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LPF Automatic Transactions

How automatic bookings are made?

To add/modify a transaction you go to Accounts/GL Transactions/Add and Modify Transactions. A screen that looks like one below appears:

Note that
1. Loan Performer does automatic bookings of transactions and such transactions will not be modifiable (though you can change the account-numbers and the account labels).

2. The automatic bookings will be activated after entering the starting date for the financial year at System/Configuration/Accounting. Once activated it cannot be de-activated anymore.

3. You can enter the beginning of financial year date only once. After that this field will become read only and automatically updated with every year closure. If you have not entered this date no Savings, loans and P&L transactions will be booked to the General Ledger

Using an example of a loan to Oyebolu Bamidele with payment of fees and commission as seen below:

The automatic bookings are made as follows:

Payment of Development fees, Loan Commission and Stationery:

Cash (never by cheque) Debit  
       Development Fees 7,500   Credit
Loan Commission 12,500   Credit
Sale of Stationery 15,000   Credit

Payment of membership fee for a new client

Cash   Debit  
         Registration fees     Credit
         Sale of Stationery    Credit
         Administration fees   Credit

Entering a deposit

Cash/Suspense Account Cheques Debit  
        Savings Ind/Grps/Businesses   Credit
       Sale of Stationery Credit   Credit
        Cheque Commission   Credit

Entering a withdrawal (a withdrawal never takes place by cheque)

Savings Ind/Grps/Businesses Debit  
      Cash     Credit
      Penalty fees   Credit
      Sale of stationery   Credit

Cheque clearing of a savings deposits

Bank Account Savings Debit  
Suspense Account Cheques   Credit

Interest on Savings

Interest on Savings Ind/Grp/Buss Accounts Debit  
   Savings Ind/Grp/Buss   Credit

Disbursing a loan

Principal Outstanding Ind/Grps Debit  
Cash/Suspense Account Cheques/Savings Ind/Grp   Credit


Disbursing a loan to supplier

Principal outstanding Ind/Grps






Stock account

Cash/Suspense Account Cheques/Bank.




Loan repayments

Cash/Suspense Account Cheques/Bank Debit Debit  
       Principal Outstanding Ind/Grps   Credit
       Interest Earned on Ind/Grp Loans   Credit
       Penalty Fees   Credit
       Sale of Stationery   Credit
       Cheque Commission   Credit

In case of a savings transfer to repay the loan

Savings Ind/Grp Debit  
       Principal Outstanding Ind/Grps   Credit
       Interest Earned on Ind/Grp Loans   Credit
       Penalty Fees   Credit
       Sale of Stationery   Credit

Entry of a bounced cheque for a loan repayment:

Principal Outstanding Ind/Grps Debit  
Interest Earned on Ind/Grp Loans Debit  
Penalty Fees Debit  
Sale of Stationery Debit  
Cheque Commission Debit  
        Suspense Account Cheques   Credit

Entry of bounced cheque commission (note that the commission for the bounced cheque is taken from the client’s savings account).

Savings Ind/Grp Debit  
        Cheque Commission   Credit

Penalties for defaulters:

For the charging of penalties for defaulters no booking takes place. In the loan administration the penalty is automatically charged to the client. But just like interest charged, penalties are booked when actually received. But, if you want to, you can update the GL with the penalties charged using the module for Accrued Interest.

Cheque clearing of a loan repayment

Bank Account Savings Debit  
       Suspense Account Cheques   Credit

Creation of the provision

Provision Costs Bad Loans Ind/Grps Debit  
        Provision for Bad Loans Ind/Grps (Balance)   Credit

Note that for the interest (and the penalties), there is no provision as it is booked when received. Note also that the creation of the provision does not reduce the loan revolving fund. It is taken as an expense that will reduce the annual profit.

Writing off loans

Provision for Bad Loans Ind/Grps (Balance) Debit  
       Loans Written Off Ind/Grps (Balance)   Credit

Repayment of a written off loan

Cash/Suspense Account Cheque Debit  
        Recovery of Written Off Loans (P&L)   Credit
        Cheque Commission   Credit

The Trial Balance now shows the loans written off as follows:
    Loans Outstanding (Balance A/C)                      Debit (this includes written off loans)
    Loans Written Off  (Balance A/C)                      Debit (negative)

At year closure, user is asked to offset balance on the “Loans Written Off account and to enter manually the following transaction:
   Loans Written Off  (Balance)                     Debit
   Loans Outstanding  (Balance)                              Credit

Deposits to the Loan Revolving Fund

Bank/Cash/Suspense Account Cheques Debit  
        Loan Revolving Fund   Credit

Withdrawals from the Loan Revolving Fund

Loan Revolving Fund  Debit  
        Bank/Cash   Credit

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